Taglilien Sorten G-K                                                 

Generous Spirit

(DeCaire, 2015) TET 79/15 SEV, himbeerrot-metalic Auge gemustert, Schlund grün, Duft (Gentle Soul × Jinxy)

Generous Spirit

Gentle Fay

(Owen-P. 2011) TET 85/15 DOR, hell-pink, Auge lavendel-pink, Rand lavendel-gelb,4*, 30 Bl., Duft, ,(Web of Intrigue x Flock of Doves) x (Soft Hearted Mother x Synaptic)

Gentle Fay

Gentle Shepherd

(Yancey 1980) DIP 74/13 SEV, fast-weiss, Schlund gelb-grün (Slg x Slg) 108 Kinder

Geometric Wizard

(Salter 2012) TET 69/10 SEV, hell-gelb, Auge pattern-grau-blau-violett-magenta, Schlund hellgrün, (? x ?)

Geometric Wizard

George Washington

(Stamile 2006) TET 70/15 EV, pink, Goldrand gewellt, Schlund grün,4*, 25-30 Bl., Duft, (Shores of Time x Walking in Beauty) 1 Kind

Georges Rainbow


Get Jiggy

(Stamile 2008) TET 94/12,5 EV, creme, Auge in violetten Ringen, Schlund grün, 3*, 20 Bl., (Rock Solid x Bit of Blue) 59 Kinder

Giant on the Mountain

(Carpenter 2002) TET 60/18 EV, bronze-creme-gelb, Schlund grün, 3*, 22Bl., Duft,(Texas Esmeralda x Mark Alan Carpenter) 4 Kinder

Giant on the Mountain

Gilded Dragonfly

(Polston 2014) DIP 91/15 SEV, creme-gelb, Auge hell-violett, großer grüner Schlund, 3*, 15 Bl., Duft, (Bob Faulkner x Slg)

Gisela Stein

(Frohreich 2021)DIP 110/15 DOR, leuchtend-rot mit gelber Mittelrippe und grün-gelbem Schlund, 2* +Y, 20 Bl.

Gisela Stein

Gitta's Red

(Beer 2020) TET 81/15 DOR, rot, Rand gelb, Schlund grün-gelb, 2*, 13 Bl.,(Red Blooded x Scarlet Angel)

Glowing Quasar

(Rice-JA.,2010) TET 96/16,5 DOR, orange-rosa, Zahnrand gold-gelb, 3*, 19 Bl., (? x ?) 5 Kinder

Glowing Quasar

Gnashing of Teeth

(Emmerich 2010) TET 74/16,5 EV, wein-rot, Auge hell-lavendel, Rand weiss + Zähne, Schlund gelb-grün, 3*, 18 Bl., Duft, (((Lifting Me Higher x Fortune's Dearest)x(forbiden Desires x TET lavender Blue Baby))x((Fortune's Dearest x Lifting Me Higher)x Doyle Pierce)) 25 Kinder

Gold Pinwheel

(Stamile 2003) TET 107/23 EV, melonen-gold, Schlund dunkel-grün, 6*, 55Bl., Duft, His Highness x TET Lemonfellow) 4 Kinder

Gold ueber Dunkelheit

(Tamberg 2019) TET 65/12 gelb, Auge und Rand purpur, Schlund gelb, 4*, 15 Bl., (Pat Garrity x Magical Mystery Show)

Good Golly Miss Molly

(Schooter 2014) DIP 71/15 DOR, dunkel-neon-rot, bicolor hellere Sepalen, Schlund grün-gelb, 4*, 18 Bl., (Slg x Slg)

Goodbye Yellow Brick Road

(Polston 2013)DIP 71/14 DOR, goldgelb, Auge braun-maoon, Schlund goldgelb, 3*, 12 Bl., (Slg x Slg)

Goodbye Yellow Brick Road

Gorgeous Smile

(Rice-Potter 2001) TET 65/11,5 DOR, violet-pink, Auge violet-purple, Rand purple + gold, Schlund grün, 4*, 25 Bl., (Edge Ahead x Angel's Smile) 1 Kind

Gossip Girl

(G. Pierce 2013) TET 95/15 EV, kirsch-rot, Rand gelb-gewellt, Schlund grün, 6*, 45 Bl., (June Carter x Slg722)

Grape Velvet

(Wild 1978) DIP 60/12 DOR, purple-violett, Schlund grün-gelb, (? X ?) 21 Kinder

Great Red Dragon (TET)

(Gossard 2006) TET 102/25 DOR, rot, Schlund grün-gelb, 4*, 25 Bl., (I See Stars x Wildest Dreams) 27 Kinder

Green Gondola

(Herrington-T. 2013) DIP 75/15 DOR, limetten-grün mit lavendel-rosa Rand, 5x, 16-20 Bl., 1 Kind (Angel in Oz x Magic of Oz)

Green Icon

(Doorakian 2012) DIP 81/13 DOR, grün zum Rand weiss, 3*, 20 Bl., (Emerald Starburst x Slg) 1 Kind

Green Icon

Green Icon

Green Inferno

(Gossard 2006) DIP 99/19 DOR, neon-grün, Schlund grün, 3*, 18 Bl., Spider, Duft, (Royal Curls x Great Red Dragon) 12 Kinder

Green Inferno

Green Is Good

(Howard 2015) DIP 83/16 DOR, grün-gelb, Rand heller, 3*, 15 Bl.,(Emerald Starburst x Rose F. Kennedy)

Green Is Good

Green Is Good

Green Mystique

(Stamile 2002) TET 68/14,5 EV, creme-pink-gruen, Goldrand gerüscht, 7*, 45 Bl., Duft, (Platinum and Gold x(Great White x Key Lime Ice) 32 Kinder

Green Sea

(Shooter 2012) DIP 94/15 DOR, creme-pfirsich, Schlund grün, 5*, 24 Bl., (Slg x Slg)

Green Sea


(Stamile 2008) TET 74/16,5 SEV, pink, Auge weiss, Rand + Schlund grün, 3*, 21 Bl., (Leslie Renee x Judy Farquhar) 7 Kinder

The Flower Formerly Known As Griff

(Yost 2002) TET 65/14 DOR, blau-lavendel, dunkles Auge, Rand dunkel+silber, (? x ?) 5 Kinder


(Smith-S.P.1985)TET 70/14 SEV, goldgelb, Schlund grün,((Bungaree x Marook) x Merinda) 3 Kinder

Hakuna Matata

(Schaben 2007) DIP 125/12,5 DOR, pink-lavendel, Auge blau, Schlund grün, 6x, 41-45 Bl., (Lavender Blue Baby x North Wind Dancer)


(Mahieu 2008) DIP 97/10 DOR, gelb, Schlund grün, 10*, 100 Bl., (H. hakuunensis x Slg)

Halloween Masquerade

(Payne 2003) TET 61/15 EV, orange, Auge + Rand schwarz-purpur, Schlund grün, 4*, 17 Bl., Awesome Blossom x Sabine Baur)

Hannelore Rueckwald

(Schueler 2016) TET 64/17 SEV, gelb, Auge purpur, Rand gelb-purpur, Schlund gelb, (Slg x Slg)

Happy Is The Heart

(Weitz 2012) TET 112/15 EV, hell-pink, Auge pink, Schlund gelb , (? x ?)

Happy Is The Heart

(Weitz 2012) TET 112/15 EV, hell-pink, Auge pink, Schlund gelb ,(? x ?)


(E.Olsen 1998) TET 79/18 SEV, sonnenfestes rot, Schlund grün, (Slg x(Gram's Dream x Slg)) 1 Kind

Have A Cigar

(M.Holmes 2015) TET 80/17 SEV, pink, Schlund grün, Rand gewellt, 3*, 15 Bl.,(((See Me-Feel Me-Touch Me x Felecia Grace) x Kaskel sdlg) x Tet. Cinderella Sue)


(Gossard 2013) 98/30 TET SEV, hellgelb, Auge rot, Schlund grün, 5x, 26-30 Bl., Duft, 2 Kinder,(Tet. Malachite Prism x Tet. Emmaus)

Heartfelt Challenge

(Salter 2009) TET 76/16,5 SEV, rosa-rot, Goldrand, Schlund grün, 3*, 35 Bl., ((Kingdom of Hearts x Cimarron Rose)x Spring Sensation) 2 Kinder

Hearts of Fire

(Stamile 1998) TET 75/16 EV, rot, Schlund grün, 32 Bl., Duft, (Ebony Jewel x Aramis) 16 Kinder

Hearts of Fire

Heavenly Angel Ice

(Gossard 2004) DIP 91/20,5 DOR, weiss, Schlund gelb-grün, 5*, 27 Bl., UFO, (Frozen Mert x Heavenly Curls) 59 Kinder

Heavenly Angel Ice

Heavenly Curls

(Gossard 2000) DIP 68/18 DOR, fast weiß, Schlund grün-gelb, 2*, 12 Bl., (Mormon Spider x Frozen Mert) 35 Kinder

Heavenly Flight of Angels

(Gossard 2003) DIP 99/18 SEV, gruen-gelb, Rand weiss, Schlund grün, 3*, 15 Bl., Duft, (Flutterbye x Wildest Reams) 7 Kinder

Heavenly Orange Blaze

(Gossard 2009) TET 104/20 DOR, orange, Schlund orange-gelb, UFO, 4*, 20 Bl., Duft, (Heavenly Dragon Fire x Long Tall Sally) 10 Kinder

Heavenly Realms

(Bomar 2004) DIP 42/13,5 EV, creme-pink, gewellt, 3*, 18 Bl., Duft, (Slg x Magical Melody) 4 Kinder

Heavenly United We Stand

(Gossard 2009) TET 130/23 DOR, blut-rot, Schlund grün, 7*, 36 Bl., (Slg x Megatron) 20 Kinder

Heavenly Way Big

(Gossard 2013) TET 95/35 DOR, maroon, purpur Auge, Schlund grün, 5*, 30 Bl., 6 Kinder,(((Purple Starfish x (Pretty Desirable x Neon Flamingo)) x Tet. Skinwalker)

Heavenly White Lightning

(Gossard 2010) DIP 90/26 DOR, weiss, Schlund grün, 3x, 26-30 Bl., Duft, 2 Kinder,(Heavenly White Swan x Heavenly Curls)

Heavenly White Lightning

Height Fashion

(Huben 2012) DIP 112/10 DOR, pink, bitone, Schlund grün, Rand gewellt, 4*, 20 Bl., (Frequent Flyer × ((Boston Synphony × Early and Often) × (Millie Schlumpf × Early and Often)))

Heir To The Throne

(Korth 2009) TET 74/15 DOR, pink, Goldrand, Schlund grün, 3*, 27 Bl., Duft, (Forsyth Comanche x Eternal Glory) 17 Kinder

Heir To The Throne

Heller Wahnsinn

(Kaiser 2012) TET 51/15 SEV, fast weiss, Rand gewellt, Schlund gelb-grün, 2*, 12 Bl., Duft, (((Preumed Innocent x Nordic Mist)x American Freedom)x Uerdinger Zitroneneis)

Her Majesty's Wizard

(Salter 1996) TET 61/11,5 SEV, tief-dunkel-purpur, Rand weiss, Schlund grün, ((Elizabeth's Magic x Tomorrow's Dream)x(Elizabeth's Magic x Tomorrow's Dream)) 22 Kinder

Heritage Marco Juhr

(Juhr, 2014) TET 66/13 SEV, creme-gelb, Auge + Rand rot, Schlund grün-gelb, 4*, 20 Bl. (((Juris GAB × Andy Candy) × Marco Juhr) × Marco Love)

High Roller

(Santa Lucia 2000) TET 75/15 DOR, gelb-melon-pink,gewellter Rand, Schlund grün, 20 Bl., (((Gold District x Victorian Collar)x Slg)x Solar Music)

High Water Mark

(Davison 2006) TET 97/15 SEV, lila, Wasserzeichen creme, Schlund grün, 4*, 25 Bl., Duft, 15 Kinder,(Slg x Anguilla)


(Krismer 2019) TET 114/13 DOR, dunkelrot, Schlund gelb-grün, 3*, 15 Bl. (Killer × Forty Days and Forty Nights)


Hold Your Horses

(Trimmer 2004) TET 90/20 EV, gelb, Auge maron, 3*, 30 Bl., Duft, ((Wild Horses x So Many Stars)x Rapid Eye Movement) 3 Kinder

Holsteiner Crushed Ice

(Behrens 2012) TET 71/17 SEV, fast-weiss, Rand gelb-gewellt, Schlund grün, 4*, 32 Bl., Duft, (Moment in the Sun x Boundless Beauty)

Holsteiner Crushed Ice

Holsteiner Karma

(Behrens 2017) TET 66/15 SEV, kirschrot, helles Wasserzeichen, Rand weiss, Schlund gelb-grün, 3*, 20 Bl., Duft (Kingdom Without End × Cimarron Rose)

Holsteiner Karma

Home Of the Free

(Grace 2012) TET 71/15 EV, rot, Rand grün-gold, 3*, 30 Bl., Duft, (Cimarron Rose x Scarlet Angel)

Home Of the Free

Hooked On You

(Gossard 2013) TET 76/14 DOR, rosa-rot, Wasserzeichen hellrosa, Zahnrand, Schlund grün, 5*, 28 Bl., ((Order or Chaos x White Fang)x Spartan Warrior) 4 Kinder

Hooked On You

Horse of a Different Color

(Polston 2013) DIP 76/14 DOR, creme-gelb, Auge mehrfarbig, Schlund grün, 3*, 12 Bl., (Slg x Slg)

Huckleberry Candy

(Stamile 1998) TET 50/11 DOR, creme,blau-purple Auge, Schlund grün, 3*, 20 Bl., Duft, (Exotic Candy x Magnificent Rainbow) 23 Kinder

Hungry Hungry Hippo

(Gossard 2013) TET 71/15 DOR, pink, helles Wasserzeichen, Schlund grün, 4*, 22 Bl., Duft, (Heavenly Pink Fang x Clean Slate) 1 Kind

Hungry Hungry Hippo

I See Stars

(Gossard 2001) DIP 95/12,5 SEV, leuchtend-rot, Schlund grün-gelb, 4*, 26 Bl., (Holly Dancer x Red Rain) 13 Kinder


(G.Pierce 2011) TET 102/15 DOR, hell-pink-lavender, Rand creme-grün, Schlund grün, 5*, 35 Bl., Duft, (Emerald Bay x Apple Spring) 11 Kinder


Illini Jackpot

(Varner 1981) TET 81/15 DOR, dunkel-rot, Schlund hell-grün, (Ed Murray x Slg) 35 Kinder

Imprint Your Image

(Korth 2011) TET 84/17 DOR, creme, Auge pattern-lavender, Schlund grün, 2*, 13 Bl.,(Jamaican Love x Heavens Proclaim)

Indy Cameo

(D. Anderson 1993) DIP 55/9 EV, fast weiss, Schlund tiefgrün, (? x ?) 1 Kind

Indy Long Legs

(Anderson-D. 1993) DIP 81/15 DOR, purpur, Schlund grün, (? x ?) 11 Kinder

Indy Long Legs


(Stamile 2003) TET 91/19 EV, fast weiss, Rand gewellt, Schlund grün, 4*, 20 Bl., starker Duft, ((Sangre de Cristo x Fuchsia Kiss)x((Slgx Big Blue)x Be Thine) 9 Kinder

Inscribed On My Heart

(Emmerich 2011) TET 66/18 SEV, creme-weiss-pink, Auge + rand purpur, Schlund grün, 4*, 16 Bl., Duft, ((((Slg x Wolf Eyes)x Mardi Gras Ball)x Julie Newmar)x(Intelligent Design x((Slg x Druid's Chant)x Desperado Love)))x Julie Newmar) 8 Kinder

Insider Trading

(Buntyn 2003) TET 76/12,5 EV, rot, Auge dunkel-rot, Schlund grün, 5*, 36 Bl., Duft, (Forever Red x Slg) 8 Kinder

Insider Trading

Inviting Romance

(Petit 2011) TET, 74/15 SEV, elfenbein-weiss, Auge violett-gemustert, Rand violett+gold, Schlund grün, ((Rainbows in Heaven × Blue Eden) × (Royal Cypher × (Ruffles Have Ripples × Easter Egg))) 13 Kinder

Inviting Romance

Inviting Romance

Irena Vogel

(Kaiser-Rupp 2018) TET 111/12 DOR, brilliant-rot, Goldrand, Schlund grün, 3*,28 Bl. (Slg x Slg)

Irish Jackpot

(G.Pierce 2012) TET 86/15 EV, creme-weiss-gelb, Rand grün, Schlund grün, 8*, 50 Bl., (Fringy x Fancy Lace) 2 Kinder

Irish Jackpot

Irish Thunder

(Polston 2014) DIP 76/15 SEV, purpur, Schlund groß-grün, 3*, 12 Bl., Duft, (Bob Faulkner x Slg)

Irish Thunder

Irish Thunder

Isabel Maraffi

(Trimmer 2001)TET 80/15 SEV, melone, Schlund gelb-grün, gefüllt, 2*, 20 Bl., Duft, (Cardigan Bay x Frances Joiner) 4 Kinder

Isabel Maraffi

Isabelle Rose

(Laprise 2009) DIP 150/18 DOR, hell-gelb, Schlund grün, 3*, 43 Bl., UFO, Duft, (Starsearch x Heavenly Curls) 5 Kinder

Itza Mirage

(Jost 2002) TET 65/12,5 DOR, gelb-braun, Auge lavender, Rand lavender+gelb, Schlund grün, 5*, 25 Bl., (? x ?) 1 Kind

J.T. Davis

(Grace 1999) TET 60/12,5 EV, hellgelb pink überhaucht, gewellter Goldrand, Schlund grün, 4*, 25 Bl., Duft, (Surprises Inside x Slg) 347 Kinder

Jackie Canner

(Rice-JA.,2012) TET 71/16,5 DOR, purpur, Wasserzeichen violett, Schlund grün, (Slg x Slg)

Jackie Canner

Jalapeno Crunch

(Salter 2014) TET 74/15 EV, gelb-grün, Rand gelb-grün, (? x ?)

Jalapeno Crunch

Jane Trimmer

(Trimmer 2002) TET 63/13 EV, hell-lavendel, Auge + Rand schwarz-purpur, Schlund grün, 4*, 35 Bl., (Gillian x Sabine Baur) 31 Kinder

Janell Dowis Denham

(Denham-E. 2012) DIP 135/18 DOR, gelb-grün, Schlund grün, 5*, 35 Bl., (Magic of Oz x Lola Branham)

Janell Dowis Denham

Jason Mark

(Crochet 1989) DIP 64/10 DOR, pastel-rosa, Auge purpur, Schlund grün, (Siloam Fairy Tale x Slg) 4 Kinder

Jean Swan

(Joiner 1993) DIP 80/15 SEV, fast weiß, leicht gewellt, gefüllt, Duft, (Frances Joiner x Vanilla Fluff) 22 Kinder

Jeanne Deaver's Dream

(Trimmer 2009) TET 70/16,5 EV, dunkel-purpur-violet, lavender Wasserzeichen, Rand gelb-weiss, Schlund grün, 5*, 32 Bl., (China Clipper x Jennifer Trimmer) 2 Kinder

Jedi Flamingo Kid

(Wedgeworth 1987) DIP 70/8 SEV, creme, Auge purpur, Schlund grün, Duft, (? x ?)

Jenny Kissed Me

(Trimmer 1996) TET 74/12,5 EV, ivory-pink, Auge rosa-rot, Schlund grün, Duft, ((TET Janice Brown x(Slg x TET Siloam Double Clasic) 17 Kinder

Jim's Evil Grin

(Murphy-J.P. 2012) DIP 155/21,5 DOR, creme-rosa, Auge purpur, Schlund grün, (Monacan Trail x Just Jessie) 1 Kind


(De Caire 2011) TET 71/14 SEV, hell-gelb, Auge mehrfarbig-pattern, 4*, 28 Bl., (Slg x Slg) 6 Kinder


John Karl Seager

(C.Hanson 1996) TET 91/15 SEV, orchid-blau, Wasserzeichen, Schlund grün, Duft, (Chinese Temple Flower x(Sovereign Queen x Asian Emperor) 14 Kinder

Jolly Good Yellow

(Pierce-G.2014) TET 81/16 EV, gelb-grün, Schlund grün, 6*, 35 Bl., Duft, (Holy Guacamole x Jade Glow)

Jordan's Jazz

(Santa Lucia 2011) TET 71/21,5 rosa-rot, Auge rot, Schlund hell-grün, 2*, 18 Bl., (? x ?) 2 Kinder

JP's Acinonyx

(Frohreich 2023) TET 66/14 EV, gold-gelb mit roten Flecken und Streifen, jede Blüte trägt eine andere Zeichnung, Schlund grün, 1*, 15 Bl., (Slg Harry 8-55 x Irish Jackpot)

JP's Acinonyx

JP's Acinonyx

JP's Acinonyx

JP's Acinonyx

JP's Acinonyx

JP's Arotron

(Frohreich 2016) DIP 80/10 DOR, creme-gelb, Auge rot, Schlund grün, 4*, bis 36 Blüten (Taunus Printing x ?)

JP's Arotron

JP's Botaurus

(Frohreich 2023) TET 76/13 DOR, creme-weiss, Auge multicolor- purpur-pattern, Rand leicht-gewellt, Schlund grün, 1*, 18 Bl., (Jinxy x Pebble in a Pond)

JP's Botaurus

JP's Botaurus

JP's Colomesus

(Frohreich 2016) TET 60/12 DOR, gelb, Auge + Rand maron-purpur, Schlund gelb-grün, bis 15 Blüten (((Meissner Porcelain x Border Music)x Steve Trimmer)x Tomas Tew)

JP's Colomesus

JP's Drachenfels

(Frohreich 2017) TET 90/12,5 DOR, dunkel-rot, Schlund gelb-grün, 5*, 28 Bl., (Father of Faith x Her Majesty's Wizard)

JP's Drachenfels

JP's Hoptans

(Frohreich 2011) TET 65/11 EV gelb, maron Auge, Rand maron+gelb, 22 Bl., (Steve Trimmer x Rock Solid)

JP's Hotzenplotz

(Frohreich 2023) TET 81/15 DOR, dunkel-purpur, Wasserzeichen hellrosa, Schlund gelb grün, 2*, 20 Bl., ((Reason for Treason x Bella Lugosi)x Barbara Mandrell)

JP's Hotzenplotz

JP's Hotzenplotz

JP's Hotzenplotz

JP's Mahu

(Frohreich 2011) TET 80/13 EV creme-gelb-pfirsich, Rand gelb + gewellt, Schlund grün, 15 Bl., (Spring Chorus x American Freedom)

JP's Mahu

JP's Obidicut

(Frohreich 2011) TET 90/11 DOR creme, Auge + Rand blau-purpur, Schlund grün-gelb, 16 Bl., (Rock Solid x Orchid Elegance)

JP's Obidicut

Judith Kriegel

(Frohreich 2019) TET 90/15 DOR, creme-weiß, Rand gelb und stark gewellt teils mit Angelwings, Schlund gelb-grün, 2*, 16 Bl., Diamantstaub, (Uerdinger Zitroneneis x Fringy)

Judith Kriegel

Jungle Queen

(Trimmer 2010) TET 102/19 EV, lavendel, Auge blau-lavendel, Schlund gelb grün, 4*, 30 Bl., (Lighter Than Air x Discarded Beauty) 1 Kind

Jungle Queen

Juris Blue Disclosure

(Juhr 2015) DIP 71/13 DOR, pink, Auge blau-purpur, Schlund gelb-grün, 5*, 15 Bl.,(((Taunus Dragon Fruit x Wolfgang Giessler)x?) x ?)

Juris Blue Disclosure

Juris Roter Hahn

(Juhr 2010) DIP 74/15 DOR, rot, Rand weiss, Schlund grün, 4*, 25 Bl., ((Slg x(Taunus Fire Dragon x Rain Dance))x Fly Catcher) 10 Kinder

Juris Weisser Engel

(Juhr 2009) TET 66/16 EV, fast-weiss, Rand gewellt, Schlund grün, 3*, 15 Bl., Duft, (((Big Snow × Taunus Winterland) × Taunus Ice Wine) × Michael Miller)

Kaleidoscope Dreamsicle

(P.Harry 2013) DIP 81/18 SEV, creme-orange, Auge pattern-purpur, 6*, 30 Bl., ((Texas Kaleidoscope x Super Fancy Face)x Slg) 3 Kinder

Kaleidoscope Queen

(P.Harry 2013) DIP 96/18 SEV, creme-weiss, Auge pattern-burgunder, 8*, 42 Bl., (SLg x Slg) 11 Kinder

Kaleidoscope Queen

Karl Rupp

(Kaiser 2009) TET 80/13 SEV, pfirsichfarbend, Goldrand gewellt, 2*, 19 Bl., Duft, ((Slg x Lori Goldstone)x (Ed Brown x(First Knight x Nordic Mist))

Karl's Choice

(Tamberg 2019) TET 80/15 DOR, mittel-violett, Auge und Rand dunkel-purpur, 5*, 20 Bl., (Slg x Precious Candy)

Karl's Choice

Kathryn June Wood

(Roberts 2003) DIP 76/19 SEV, lavender, Schlund grün-gelb, 4*, 24 Bl., Spider, Duft, (? x ?) 2 Kinder

Kathy Chenet

(Kirchhoff 2002) TET 69/15 EV, korallen-rosa, helles Wasserzeichen, Schlund gelb-grün, 4*, 28 Bl., (((Chestnut Mountain x Bittersweet Holiday)x Slg)x Life on Mars) 4 Kinder

Katrin Frohreich

(Kaiser 2018) TET 68/15 SEV, leuchtend-pink, Rand gelb-gewellt, Schlund gelb-grün, 2*, 15 Bl., (White Base x Uerdinger Mon Ami)

Keen Eloise

(E.Olsen 2000) TET 70/15 SEV, rot purpur, kleiner Goldrand, Schlund grün-gelb, 3*, 18 Bl., (Doris Patek x Slg) 1 Kind

Kendra Jannell TET

(Branch 1992) TET 46/18 SEV, dunkel-pink, Schlund grün, Duft, (Chartreuse Rose x Jane Meyer) 7 Kinder

Key West

(Trimmer 1999) TET 70/11 DOR, creme-pink, Auge rot, Schlund grün, 3*, 30 Bl., (TET Siloam Gumdrop x TET Dragons Eye) 1 Kind

Kindly Light

(Bechtold 1950) DIP 74/25 DOR, gelb-grün, (? x ?) 126 Kinder

King Cobra

(Gossard 2011) TET 84/25 DOR, rot, Auge dunkelrot, Zahnrand, Schlund grün-gelb, 4*, 22 Bl., Duft, (Sharky's Revenge × Sword Dancer) 3 Kinder

King Crab

(Gossard 2009) TET 112/23 DOR, orange, Auge dunkel-orange, 5*, 28 Bl., Duft, ((Heavenly Dragon Fire x(Orange Splash x Heavenly Jet Fire) 10 Kinder

King Crab

Kiss Me Twice

(Gossard 2011) TET 103/22 DOR, pink, Auge rot, Schlund grün, 4*, 20 Bl., Duft,(((Shinto Etching x Lanny) x Moonlit Masquerade) x (Cosmic Pinwheel x Raspberry Butterflies)) x Heavenly Dark Matter)

Kissed from Afar

(Petit 2002) TET 66/16,5 SEV, pink, Auge rosa, Goldrand, Schlund grün, (Wisest of Wizards x Jenny Kissed Me) 3 Kinder

Kleine Suesse

(Tamberg 2017) TET 112/10 DOR, dunkel-melone, 5*, 30 Bl., (Berlin Wings x Slg)

Kleines Rotauge

(Tamberg 2019) TET 71/10 gelb, Auge + Rand rot, Schlund grün, 3*, 14 Bl.,(Spacecoast Bold Scheme × Pat Garrity)

Kleines Rotauge


(Hudson 1983) DIP 36/5 SEV, orange, Schlund grün, (Tropical Sherbet x Munchkin Moon) 4 Kinder


(Polston 2011) DIP 86/11,5 SEV, creme, Auge rosa-dreieckig, Schlund grün, 5*, 20 Bl., Duft, (Bob Faulkner x Slg) 4 Kinder
